
I blog my stories .



Thursday, April 19, 2012


Please think before saying
calling him gay? it doesn't make you man.
If he's a gay, then what is Selena Gomez?
Are you guys just too jealous?
But isn't it too over.
When you compare him with ANIMALS?
If you're him. do you like that?
Try comparing yourself with a dog.
Please please please. please step in the other's shoe.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


It's 18/04 today!
a special day for JESSICA JUNG!
Happy birthday my ice princess!:)
Love you ya!:)
TIFFANY loves u more

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


'Class of 2N2'12 started off the year well, and it turned from bad to worse.
Since last year's term 4, my class wasn't nominated for the praise award.
and today too, i am not surprise.
From this year onwards, my class was like aimed by the school frequently.
yea. teachers looked down on us, they don't give a damn on us. SO DO WE?
our co form teacher also. -.-

Monday, April 16, 2012


1: Are youu ready for 111 questions? : YEP

2: Was your last relationship a mistake? NAH, NOT BEEN IN A RELATION BEFORE.

3: Do you miss your last relationship? NAH.

4: Who did you last say "iloveyou" to? I HAVE NO IDEA. JOEY? LIZHEN?

5: Do you regret it? OFC NOPE

6: Have you ever been depressed? OBVIOUS ENOUGH

7: Are youu a boy or girl? FEMALE. ONCE A GIRL

8: Are you insecure? KIND OF

9: What is your relationship status? MARRIED :) FOREVER!

10: How do you want to die? SUICIDE?

11: What did you last eat? SKITTLES

12: Have you played any sports? ABUDEN

13: Do you bite your nails? USED TO

14: When was your last physical fight? I DON'T REMEMBER

15: Do you have an attitude? MAYBE?

16: Do you like someone? YEP

17: What is your real name? WONG HO WEI

18: Have you ever read a book? YEP

19: Are you gonna get high later? NAH, I AM GETTING LOWW

20: Do youu hate anyone at the moment? YES. EVERY SECOND<3

21: Do youu miss someone? YUP

22: Twirl or cut your spagetti? TWIRL

23: Do you tan a lot? OKOK

24: Have any pets? COUNTED YES

25: How exactly are you feeling? I DON'T KNOW

26: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? YES

27: Ever been checked out? HUH?

28: Would you take any of your ex(s) back? I DO NOT HAVE ANY EX(S)

29: Are you scared of millipedes? I JUST KEEP QUIET

30: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? YES! DORAEMON HELP ME PLEASE

31: Do you regret anything from your past? 'WALK STRAIGHT AND NEVER LOOK BEHIND'

32: What are your plans for this weekend? STUDY

33: Do you want to have kids? TOO FAR?

34: Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? HOHO. IDK

35: Do you type fast? IT'S OKAY

36: Do youu have piercings? YES. ONCE.

37: Want anymore? -

38: Can youu spell well? Yes,

39: Do youu miss anyone from your past? yeah

40: What are you craving right now? more potatoes!

41: Ever been to a bonfire party? huh?

42: Ever been kissed? Yeapp

43: Have you ever been on a horse? yea~ it's white in colour

44: Kissed someone in a pick up truck?noway

45: Have youu ever broken someones heart? did i? :O

46: Have youu ever been cheated on? no right?

47: Have you ever made a friend cry? think so..:/

48: Are you thinking of someone right now? yesh(: tons

49: Would you live with someone without marrying them? yesh, this is happening right now

50: What should you be doing? EATING

51: Whats irritating you right now? this thing==

52: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? no lehy

53: Does somebody love you? tons^^ p/s BHB

54: What is your favorite color? yallow

55: Have youu ever changed clothes in a car? yea i did, i put on a jacket in car, tada! clothes changed

56: Milk chocolate or white chocolate ?they were too sweet:/ i prefer dark chocolate

57: Do you have trust issues? huh?

58: Bestfriends name? kangaroo de baby(: JOEY

59: 2nd bestfriends name? LiZhen

60: 3rd bestfriends name? HOWEI

61: Longest relationship? with my parents(:

62: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about youu? I DONT HAVE EX(S)!!!

63: Who was the last person you cried in front of? my doraemon

64: Do you give out second chances too easily? yesh i do

65: Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive duh

66: Is this year the best year of your life? nope

67: What was your childhood nickname? santa claus

68: Have youu ever walked outside completley naked? i dont

69: Favorite food? POTATOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

70: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? NOPE

71: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? open the room door

72: Did youu have a dream last night? yesh._.

73: What is bothering youu? this thing

74: Have youu ever been out of state? YESH

75: Do you play the wii? i owned a wii console!

76: Are you listening to music right now? yes(: b-bring the boys out

77: Do you like chinese food? YESH!!! POTATOESSS

78: Who are you texting right now? noone

79: Are you afraid of the dark? i'm afraid of you.

80: Is cheating ever okay? No.

81: Are you mean? when am i kind? >:)

82: Can you keep white shoes clean? i dont

83: What year has been your best? IDK

84: Do you believe in true God? yesh

85: Favorite weather? snow:D then rain:D then windy(Y)

86: Do you like the snow? i want touch snow

87: Does it snow a lot where you live? yesh, in my dreams

88: Do you like the outside? maybe?

89: Are you currently bored? No.

90: Do you wanna get married? Maybe?

91: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? NO

92: Are you hungry? yesh

93: Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? WTF?

94: What makes youu happy? something

95: Would you change your name? howei is awesome enough

96: Ever been to Alaska? no

97: Ever been to Hawaii?no

98: Do you watch the news? yeah

99: What's your zodiac sign? VIRGO!(Y)

100: Do you like subway? i didn't eat thr b4

101: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? my dad? maybe?

102: Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? okcan. r u having a fever?

103: Do you talk like your friends? yea

104: Why did you decide to do this quiz?. I was just too bored

105: Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? huh?

106: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yeah

107: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my popo

108: Do you feel good? i will if you would treat me to have a POTATO meal:D

109: Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? my doggie

110: Favorite lyrics right now? please be my baby~ make me your lady(: bemybaby by wondergirls

111: Can youu count to one million? my breath isn't that long

Sunday, April 15, 2012



Day 1 of 30;
15 facts about me:
1) I am purely a Malaysian
2) I've changed 3 instruments in my CCA in one year,
3) I love KPOP
4) A Cello player for 6 years. P3-S2
5) Loves Sour but dislikes Spicy
6) Lemon Tea FTW!
7) Yellow, Blue, Purple:)
8) Class of 2N2'12
9) Loves 2NE1, Bigbang, MissA, loads more!
10) From XHPS.
11) I dislikes pink, but my laptop and earpieces were pink
12) owns i family of plush
13) i have 4 siblings excluding me
14) i love the number 21
15) twitter manic.


Hello peoples(: hasn't been updating my blog for days, yep. I've been using instagram these days:) and follow ME! @clarabelrain

I've cut slant last week:) love my current fringe loads
My Hairrrr.
YAY! my hair is growing longer!! :) can't wait to see myself with the original hair length before i cut it away in February'11 :( due to some problem. super miss it.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Annyeong haesaeyo, greetings to all:) have a facebook or twitter? :)
ADD ME @ Howei's Hkw on facebook!

Help me to gain more followers ya!
I tweet my feelings! judge me? read my previous blogpost.

Friday, April 6, 2012

"Don't judge, Peoples."

Hey guys:) came back with a blogpost on the phrase 'don't judge, peoples' it's like everywhere you go, everyday, you would hear someone says 'hey, don't judge please.' or whatever. Know what? everyone judges(: did you realise? people do say 'never judge a book by it's cover' too. But whenever you're buying a book, the first thing that you look on to was the cover of the book, right? No one will ever just take a book which has a ugly cover, and read the summary of the story. We as humans, will simply just choose a book with a nice cover, then read the short summary of the story. Just like judging people. You said not to judge others by there face, if there's isn't any judging at first, so how did 'first impression' came? :) so yeah, it's normal for people to judge yo(: Me too, i am being judged through picture, first sight, first met, and whatever shit. many thought that i am from China, but in fact, i am a malaysian. Seeing through my pictures, people used to thought that i am very girl, very quiet, nice? but in fact. i am not (: But judging too much isn't good too! and, who are you to judge me uh?! so yep, BYEEE! :)