
I blog my stories .



Thursday, March 21, 2013

Being strong

Hello readers ,
After a week or more , i finally found a day to blog . As you all knows , March holidays have already started , perhaps , it's ending soon , real soon . There's too many complains , so i decided to NOT COMPLAIN (:

There's a couple thing i want to touch on on this particular post . bc i'm too lazy to separate them into different posts .
>Firstly , ILJ 
for your information , ILJ stands for Integrated Learning Journey . 13th and 14th of March . Which is last week . For my batch's sec 3s , we went to two different places . They are CHC(chinese heritage centre) which is located in NUS and Changi Airport Terminal 3 ..
Day one , CHC
-With junheng-

-The cute cute dragon !-

-With Angela-

-De Laoshi:>

Hi , angela againn

With Shannonnnn


Hello Joel aka ah gong

THIS IS MY NEW BOYBOY. (it's a girl)

Adriana !

Selca of the day


Sorry mdm see >:)

Shimin. -no offence , you looked creepy

i have no idea what's this

Before i go into day two's , There's co rehearsal after this . FULL DRESS REHEARSAL 
sigh la sigh . it's super stress , although i'm not the one sitting outside , mingchong is . but our teacher requested us to turn our chair and face the audience oh no . HELLO , I HAVE STAGE FRIGHT ONE YOU KNOW . haha , we changed into our costume , and moved the instruments to the ground floor . *SCHOOL , Y U NO LIFT !?*  so heavy ! and i'm wearing heels . okay , it's not even 5cm of heels . BUT MY FEET IS ACHING ! haha , the standard clique didn't board the normal big bus , we board the smaller one , we had rubbish section on our way to SCH . haha okay ah .enough of crabs , hear comes the pictures .
With le wife , Gracia


Le wife , Dilys 

Rachel agn (:

After the whole thing , we came back . Had dinner with Chuhua , Ginette , Mingchong , GuoShan , Phoebe and Joey at yoshinoya . Awesome co bonding . it's more likea bagua session ! we left at about 9pm WOW .

ILJ day two - Terminal 3 .

It's all about math . Cool huh ! kinda enjoyed myself . but i swear , it's like damn tough ): don't care . fun is more important . PICTURESS ! 
With Waiyan and gracia !



Mr Wonggggggg , my long lost father 

My grp five ! Junyu , Jungheng , Me, Haiyu

Sorry Junyu :x

with Ms Lio !

Opps , sorry mr wong

Hi Junheng !

Thats all for day two . had fun more than learning . :x 

Had shabu sushi at nex after that with jin nee , brandon , cindy , junheng

This is super cute lah .sial.

sorry , i'm too lazy to rotate it.

Recently , there's this ask,fm thingy . not bad luh , i'm no longer that bored . But but , some questions really creeps me out ;x . HELLO . i'm friendly , 
HAHAHA , me and mc's twitcon are the same , had fun confusing ppl and annoying ppl . yay we are awesome liddat . LOL , oh yah . speaking abt this , there's a cpl qns that i received asking if me and mc are tgt . HAHAHAHA srsly . we are close friends ! that's why boy/girl bestfriends exist ! LMAO ROFL .

met up with Szb today . went raffles city shopping all . urg . too many branded shops in there . ): 

Sighpai , March holidays are ending in three days time . wow . time flies i swear . i've been reporting school for the past three days . ): WHERE GOT HOLIDAY LORH . 

And and , My CA1 results sucks . 
Failed my amath like mad . 27 marks . so it's a U grade . 
Have to buck up alot alot ! 


Love ya , 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

regrets .

Hey viewers . my apologies for not blogging for such a long time . i was busy with studies and cca . yep . both mye and syf is around the corner . hectic time . have been staying back for cca since weeks ago , mon, tues, wed, fri, sat. wow amazing right ? it's super tiring . just weeks more to endure , and TADA . 

for studies , i've failed two common test papers . pathetic much , yes . got a single digit for amath and failed by half mark for social studies . everything have not been doing well recently , i don't know why too . Frankly speaking , it's the first time that English was one of my favourite lesson . Mrs Khan / Ms Nisha was such an awesome teacher . although she only taught me for three months , she's like already one of the best teacher under my list . She don't know me well either . Sigh , she've left for maternity leave . she'll be blessed . i miss her so much . after she left last week , another trainee teacher took over the whole class with mrs goh . it's no longer split class :( . after they took over , english had literally became one of the lesson that i hate the most . Those two teacher attitudes much . i suspect that they're mother and daughter the previous life . attitude same , size same , face same . hating them so much . they've caused our class so much trouble . LOL . is they don't have the ability to get our class's attention , so blamed us for being noisy . wtf is this . I really miss Mrs Khan so much . she tell jokes . and speak in a unique way that will not let us fall asleep . :'( 

Next , Mrs Angeline Tan . she left for operation too . Sigh . why all the good teacher leaves uh . SIGH . i feel bad . she's such a good teacher , yet my class treats her so bad . we even made her angry . sigh . her teaching quite good . in replacement of her  , Mr fauzi and ms tan took over . Mr Fauzi's teaching was alright , just that i fell asleep easily in his class . on the other hand , Ms tan was fucking bad . LOL as in her teaching , whatever shit . she SIMPLY READ OUT FROM OUR TEXTBOOK . wtf . her voice is ultra soft . wtf . and she's like damn lazy and irresponsible . we called her to zoom in . bc we're sitting at the back , she is like simply 'move to the front' DAHELL . 


And , full dress rehearsal at conference hall tmr . AH . goodluck howei .


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Page sixty-three of threesixfive.

Hello, as March have alr arrived.. which basically means, two months have passed.
Shits happened.. well it'll only be a short post this time round.

I found my main twitter too public, and everyone judges what I tweeted.. I decided to create a sub account. It's like finally, I can tweet whatever I feel like there, without being judged too much . Follow my sub acc @blackheartedx_ !

And i failed my amath common test.

As time goes by , we move on .

I am back blogging after a super long time. Common test week had ended. Did pretty badly for all my subjects. Sigh, well, what's done is done.

Once bitten, twice shy. I'll promise myself to put in triple effort in amath. It's really not an easy subject. I don't understand.. not clever enough to understand maybe.. or fated to fail that subject super badly.

Syf is around the corner, and the whole orchestra is like Still very cmi. Sigh, how to go for competition like that. Hah another conductor came to conduct tdy. She's like tons better than dxy. We should replace dxy with her. She even praised my section !♥ haha.

And, we ended. At least we ended it in a good way. Satisfied my craving tdy! abtm2! it's like so touching and funny! Ismail damn cute! lobang ip man sergeant ong too *-* heheh can't stop laughing!

Well, that's all maybe? Peace.
Black hearted, cold blooded.