
I blog my stories .



Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy 30th birthday Selina:D
you're one of my first idol(:
I do still love S.H.E you'all rocks(:
and congratulations too!:D
you got ur wedding anniversary the same date as your birthday's.
alright, S.H.E, you rocks \m/


I decided to upload a post on the last day of October(:
November, be good alright?
I just came back from the school's annual prefects' camp.
it was awesomee.(:
it's just a new start. 'excellence is by choice' (Y)
I'm in grp 1. so yeah, i'm not really familiar with the grp members.
except for cyril.
(: i like it. looking forwards to the CO camp. which is 14-15th november(:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

27th october(':

hey, it's 27th today,
it's the last day for the pepos who don't need to attend the meet the parents session.
and the last second day for those who's attending the meet the parents session tmr.
i planned to love and cherish today,
but, what's wrong with my mood? ):
it got the whole me getting onto the 'emo path.
it started from the very first period,
after i got my prize n the book for chinese,
when the show 'ice kacang puppy love 初恋红豆冰' started.
is it something wrong with my mood or my mind.
i felt weird and awkward.
it seems to be like i've totally nothing to talk):
i'm totally out):
nvr mind, this is my fate right?(: alright.
i shall accept it. (:

and, my results sucks to the max.
i deproveddd D:
from 6th in class to 9th in class:(
and i got 18/80 for my level position):
sorry23/10/11. I've broke my promise for staying happy and cherished today

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I used to thought that today will be a boring day
with boring activity.
But in fact, nope(:
in the morning, we had sex talk :X
so cute:D
'Elmo: what is A?
Cookie monster: COOKIE!
Emmo: What is B?
Cookie Monster: COOKIE!
Elmo: What is C?
Cookie Monster: COOKIE!'

then we had 1 period free time(:
then a chinese period on some writings.
quite okay.

thennn. after assembly, we had someone came to perform.
something like GLEE.
it's just only that there'b Beat boxing :P
Thenthenthen, TALENT TIME :B
Alexandra sang edge of glory. woooo^^
there's quite a few groups n solos too(:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

first (=

HiieYos! (:
Exams were FINALLY OVER! :D
but, still waiting for Tuesday's result(:

Saturday today(: went church,
I've thought of being a christian and accept chris,
but mum, nvm(: I will be.
something I know, time is needed for it.
Changing the whole self, changing the behavior,
and everything.
I'am willing to try(:

after worshiping, back to cell group
someone just gave me a note.
I didn't read it.
after church, omw home,
I read it,
it's writing that god passed her words for me.
it's like miracle, but it's not,
I believed that, god is everyone's listener .
He will just pass you answers, or words in different ways,
and today, was the first time(:
And and and! :D
I got my CELL T-SHIRT.

alright, I shall end here.
Ps: it's very short