
I blog my stories .



Sunday, March 3, 2013

As time goes by , we move on .

I am back blogging after a super long time. Common test week had ended. Did pretty badly for all my subjects. Sigh, well, what's done is done.

Once bitten, twice shy. I'll promise myself to put in triple effort in amath. It's really not an easy subject. I don't understand.. not clever enough to understand maybe.. or fated to fail that subject super badly.

Syf is around the corner, and the whole orchestra is like Still very cmi. Sigh, how to go for competition like that. Hah another conductor came to conduct tdy. She's like tons better than dxy. We should replace dxy with her. She even praised my section !♥ haha.

And, we ended. At least we ended it in a good way. Satisfied my craving tdy! abtm2! it's like so touching and funny! Ismail damn cute! lobang ip man sergeant ong too *-* heheh can't stop laughing!

Well, that's all maybe? Peace.
Black hearted, cold blooded.

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