
I blog my stories .



Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Truthfully speaking , this is my very first time taking the role of an emcee . lol
it's either i'm not bright enough to let my teachers to pick me as one , or i rejects it .
microphone is something i'm afraid of . that's one of the main reason i don't like karaok yo . i'm like a magnet repelling whenever i see one .
but yesterday , 27th .. miracle

emcees of the day , me and felicia . i'm like so scared , unprepared , worried . and the microphone isn't very high class type . which means , i have to shout to it in order to produce good voice quality .. no la , bc they are old ppl , so we're needed to speak louder . HAHA , but it's still very scary , according to felicia , i spoke very fast . ><  lack of confidence

but , towards the end , i'm comfortable with the mic alr . hahah , it's like orientation , only different age grp .

hehe , great day 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

外公 .

七年都过去了 , 外公 , 您好吗 ? 我很想您 . 您在天边过得怎么样 ? 住的好吗 , 吃得好吗 ? 不用担心外婆 , 她很好 . 我们大家都很想念您 .
再过四个月 , 就满七年了 . 还记得我那时候还小 , 不懂事 , 当你过世 , 睡在棺材里时 , 我一滴眼泪也没掉 . 还记得那时外婆打电话来新加坡 , 告诉我们您的消息时 , 妈妈是第一位哭的 , 我还一直在那儿嬉皮笑脸的问妈妈为何哭 , 现在回想起来 , 我才发觉我的行为有多幼稚 ...
外公 , 我真的很想你 , 当我还小时 , 父母在新加坡工作 , 很少来看我 . 所以我从小都是和你比较亲近 ... 您载我去兜风 , 偷偷的带我去买冰淇淋 , 负责接我上下课 . 后来 , 我到了新加坡念书 ,一开始的那几夜 , 我都在想你 , 哭着睡觉 .

可是 . 当我一上小学时 , 命运有些转变了 . 听说您得了一场大病 . 需要拐杖走路 .  还记得您的最后一晚是在我生日之前 . 我忘了日期 ... 外婆告诉我说 , 您当天和往常有大不同 . 您饭吃很多 , 又很慢 . 冲凉又很慢 . 还告诉我外婆说 : 今天帮我冲干净点 , 也特别晚才回房睡觉 .. 接近午夜时 , 您就走了...

隔天 , 我们一家就赶回去 , 每个人的眼睛都哭得又红又肿 . 除了我 .
对不起 , 之前小时候给您贴了不少的麻烦 ,

外公 , 我好想念您哦 .

Saturday, May 11, 2013

23rd april , twenty thirteen .

on the twenty third of april , it's our turn to showcase and shine on the stage of SCH's . we did , our we did not . it's like a dream , unbelievable feelings , unsung scenes . after numerous practices , we're ready . i bet most of them were , but , i don't think i'm . being in co since primary two , this is the first time that i'm worried , excited .. during the past syfs , i don't really give a damn to the achievements . we got silver 3 years consecutively , and i don't feel anything .

we made our way there , worrying , humming the tune , camwhoring too . it seems to be more of a happy thing . when we're outside the hall , waiting , cold sweat runs down , all the unusual things are happening . " CO NUMBER 37 , YUYING SECONDARY SCHOOL , CONDUCTOR , MS DINGXIAOYAN " the moment of glory that the whole orchestra has . according to the ex students , they all said that our chance of getting a distinction is high .. well , maybe . after the performance , i'm like so proud of everybody . LOL . hoping that it's a distinction

counted down to thursday , the 25th . my classmates checked the results , me and joel were stunned , shocked , doesn't know how to react . at the verge of breaking down , but , lessons are still ongoing . last period was physics , there's a test , but , my phone is distracting me . ended up didn't do the test well . i'm like holding my tears . ava room's atmosphere is like , 与往前很不一样 . it's totally different from what i'm expecting ... okay , i cried la . (my first time crying in sch) . so emotional . whenever i think of it , my tears are about to overflow .

but , still , thanks to those seniors who wrote encouraging words . two years later , a better result will be produced , i sumpa .
to all the sec 4s/5s , i'll miss you .

xx hoho