
I blog my stories .



Monday, April 4, 2011

Blah~~ ♥

2days never update my blog liao.. due to tiredness ..

kay~ yesterday, spend half day in car = =.. it took at least 7hr. to arrive in Singapore.. LOL damn boring sia.. My sis took my Ipad > <" Then, I slept... bout' 4/5 hrs... omg

Today.. Math, okay luhh.. 3 periodsss~ English, 2 period.. SIEN!! Almost slept sia~
After math remedial.. it should be CO.. but, cant find = =... went round 2nd n 3rd floor.. cant find.. Haizz~ then, I skipped it..

blah blah blah~ very sien.. nth much to write..
thats all peeps

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