
I blog my stories .



Thursday, May 26, 2011


Today is the last day of school. before Jun Holidays starts =D
Hahas. no PTC for me tomorrow.
I was the 6th position in class! Woots!
Same marks as Joey =) Congrats.
Oh Ya~ . Today I also had my Prefect interview.
Damn Suay + Nervous.
Wei wei was the firs one.
Jun Heng was the second one.
They Damn Lucky. Only interviewed by Ms Ng.
Me, Si Min. was interviwed by 3. Omy!
Nervous, Nervous.
I remembered that, Ms Ng asked me that
: Do u dare to scold others?
I was like. Err. XD
Skip Skip Skip! dun talk that one ald.
Hope pass =D

We had our Bbq too!
hahas. only managed to eat Bee Hoon. XD
Lol. Okay lar. cus, leaving early.
I <3 It =D.
Today.... Unforgetable! <3 <3 <3

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