
I blog my stories .



Sunday, August 21, 2011


Oh HEY!! =]
Going write about YESTERDAY ^^
ohkay, woke up at 7:40AM..
Then got changed and went school at 8:20 =]
Dad car me to school ^^ DAMN AWESOMEE
I'am volunteered to go for the CIP at
Charlton park -.-
kk =]
then I'am grouped with Janice, Chen Jie, Chong Jing and Guo Shan.
collected newspaper, old clothings, and some donation for the stroke association .
from 8:50AM to 1PM -.-||
It's FREAKING hot.
Nearly HEAT STROKE ....
Mrs Pang And Mdm Latha is following us.
And our 'LEADER' is the chairman =] Dr Yeo.
She's very youthful and active ^^
grrrrr... the trolley that we put the collection always fulls.
then we're supposed to push it back and unload them..
BUT they kept on DROPPING -.-''''
At last, the LAST house that we went, finally gave us WATER!:D
AWW <3 I'am dying of water :DD
too Dehydrated.. XD
Ohkay! finally, went back to the HALL.
I didn't know that the noodle were SPICY ><
Then went KOVAN with Chong Jing =]
get changed before going ^^
went to popular for Pen =]
then Chong Jing bought Teens and Teenage .
WENT park .

Then went JB at 5pm .___.
grandma was there.
had a meal.
took some pics =]
changing my profile picture ASAP

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