
I blog my stories .



Thursday, November 22, 2012

♡ 211112 ♡

Today, a day that i've laughed so much. Like finally, since i last laughed so hard, and couldn't really control myself. i've found myself back. rubbish aside, here we go. :)
woke up at 7+ this morning, and went market with mum and grandma. sigh, i'm so tired. rushed home, getting ready to meet mingchong at the park. i'm suppose to meet him at 10:45. ended up leaving house at 10:35. since the park isn't far from my house. sigh, some childish human from my block played with the lift, so the lift stopped at every storey :( waste my time ! on my way, i've banged into my neighbors . and they asked the same question. haha. reached the park at 10:55 i guess, Actually, we wanted to play swing for fifteen minutes before meeting starts, hahaha. ohwell, thanks to me. 

We're complaining about the weather all the way to white tangs, ha, black absorbs heat . regretting not tying my hair . since we're taking our own sweet time to walk there, we thought we're going to be late. but, nah, we're the earliest . having the thought of enjoying aircon once we reached there, but the shop isn't opened yet. no choice but to sit outside and wait. Ginette arrived. so we started planning CO camp. soon, claire came. and the shop opened . yay. had lunch there with claire, mingchong, ginette and chuhua. after eating, planning's still not done, and we're occupying seats. so we're asked to go out. claire and i got bored. so we played chess. it's my second time playing. i died horribly. :O jonas came. soon, we had to make our way to AMK. and it started drizzling . we ran to the bus stop that was quite far away. HAHAHAs. 2.4 run ! so exhausting . 

Phew, those who had arrived managed to help us to get our tickets. yay, ah boys to men! a movie that i'm longing to watch. arrived before 3. before entering , claire and i bought popcorn and drinks. so the guys went in first. after buying, we realised that we are not told which theater we're going. HAHA ass eh . after buyng, we went in .. then 'EH, WHERE THEY ALL SITTING AT HUH?' hahaha, epic much. damn ass, srsly. both of us missed  a little of the front part.

The movie was a combination of comedy, serious type, and a little of violent at the start.overall, it's funny :B laughed so hard . noah yap acting not bad ! HAHA. it ended so weird sia ! and there's a part 2 ! dying to watch . whole movie ended. we couldn't finish the popcorn . THE CINEMA VERY COLD . regretted wearing slippers and not bringing jacket ! :( oh, and claire realised that, only two of us were female in the whole row . haha , pathetic . on the way out, i'm complaining that it's very cold. hah, no luh, not very. IT'S MY FIRST TIME GOING FOR A MOVIE IN SUCH A BIG GRP. hahaha. after that, we say yilin. then we went to the first floor, chat chat. then sayonara. after that, i went to buy koi. (Y) and then, toke the same bus with claire. she said that when i 开口, 没有一句是好的. :( that's me :B 
Claire's picture. since i didn't get to keep my own tickets.
credits to claire.

it's was fun, memorable day today. 
twenty one is a nice number :D 
that's all i have for you all ! 
bye :) 

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