
I blog my stories .



Thursday, November 15, 2012

friends .

hello :) since i've nothing to post, i've got this idea from mingchong's blog. > . maybe , it's time for me to reflect on my life for the past fourteen years , who are the ones who've really been there when i needed them. okay , craps away. here it is :D
(Not in order or bias rate) 

1) Joy Goh Jia Ying 
transferred from Perry primary in the year 2007. in the same class for two years. we hardly talk in the first year, but i'm glad we did. skinny, but able to take in alot. ! :O one of my bestfriend in primary school. crazy times, crazy things, presents exchanging, drifted in the year of 2009. we're no longer in the same class, and it's hard for us to communicate. but, i'll never forget the time we spent together . love ya 

2) Conaill 
My pri school only ang mor friend ! :O in the same class for two years, i guess. p1 and 2 ! had fun, joy and laughter sitting together in class! :D 

3) Amandice Yiew Wen Hui 
MUMMY ! shared memories through out the whole pri school life, and it's ongoing :D 

4) Cheng Chong An
p1 and 2 classmate . and p4 and 5's tuition mate ! had lots of fun after tuition at the park ! :D 

5) Tiew Jia Hui 
My 好姐妹! :D long time no meet up le. didn't had a chance to see her during teachers' day in xhps. :( meet up soon !

6) Lim MingChong 
Awesome Senior AKA uncle in YYSSCO ! other than dumb, still dumb. tsktsk , never fail to make me laugh XD kidnapped his doraemon for uncountable times ! good to bully (Y) we are more bonded with claire in the cello bass section ! friendship lasts ! :D cheers.

7) Claire Lee 
Another awesome senior who brought me in YYSSCO . i'm not quiet XD the one who pei me when i'm alone(: and make sure i don't feel awkward ! xie xie xie xie :D stay in touch/contact .

8) Isabelle Goh 
we;re from the same sec sch! although when we know each other, it's like abit late, but it doesn't matter ! :D we are very very very very good friend , right szb ? keep on making me paiseh on mrt ! tsktsk. you very cute eh XD 

9) Felicia Chang Ee Ting 
my very awesome junior , cute, pretty, lively, all the positive things la ! thanks for listening too my bullshits, and not complaining abt it ! :D although we don't belonged to the same section in CO, but, we are together ! love ya .x 

10) Phoebe . 
you very cute sexy pretty awesome good girl99 leh ! i owe you hello panda ! 

^ i saw this in mingchong's blog! ^

That's all, 
great day ahead ! :)

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