
I blog my stories .



Sunday, December 30, 2012

my two-zero-one-two Ü

Basically , this will be a super duper uper extremely long post from me . Do bear with me for minutes , and you'll get something in the end ^^ 

Well, in the year of twenty-twelve , break downs , happy moments , lessons learnt , grown up , blah. too much to be listed. shall start , so , LEGGO !

things went smoothly from the start of the year , friendship isn't a major problem. i'm still able to concentrate in class , hang outs with besties all the memorable moments. January is a month with the most birthday babies . on the seventh , what a day to remember , not going in depth , too much of personal happiness . 
Soon , things started to go in different directions , friendship too , barriers are all set up . bc of that , i hardly pay attention in class , test results dropped a lot , trying my best to catch up with the rest , studied til late midnight , and got only 3-4 hours of sleep . due to this things happening , i hardly eat anything , and that's how i got gastric . 

Soon , MYE's arriving , parents have set their target for me . top 10 in class , top 20 in level . and they'll buy me a new phone. i'm working towards their target , studying super hard , even went to those friends of mine who are older than me's house . results are out . i got 9th in class , 18/19 in level , didn't fail any subject . i was like , damn happy la . went home straight after school , showed my mum , she's said 'good job' but , still got my father la , need see face cb. i showed him at night , he's like 'why all get so low. 9th nia , maybe is ur class all lousy one. EVEN YOU.' knn , say me jiu okay liao la , y class too . then i didn't manage to get a new hp. FU . 

suddenly , friendship isn't the problem anymore , they're back . i promised myself to treat them best , not letting go. blah .

Everything's perfectly fine until my birthday month. September . everyone left . except for some . out of the blue , i feel that i'm like living in a dark society . people leaves whenever they want and comes back . there's no light in front of me , everything's black . i'm afraid that i might took the wrong path and regret . birthday one the twenty-first . it's just like a normal day . got present from Janice , Dilys , mc , claire and wx . received cards from ethelind and raymond. thanks. i thought that those who're still important to me will wish me , so i stayed up throughout the whole day , waiting for miracle to happen . well , nah , feel like breaking down but i couldn't. Not even in the birthday mood . sigh .

EOY's . my parents set target agn. top 6 , okay , i'm like working really hard every single fucking day . even burned midnight oils even i had studied the whole day . Geography , Science, math and english is a major problem. my english is like super cui . science cmi. math teacher expected good results from me , doubly stressed . i like geog , but the teacher who taught don't give a damn . ended. i'm streaming this yr , having a major problem choosing the subject combination too. 

Wanted to take Amaths , but i'm afraid that i might not be able to , geog , afraid that i might fail . but i gave it a try. result's out , got the combination that i want. thank god . mum's proud of me . but dad isn't LOL . i don't care him. 

School holidays, literally rotting at home , audi-ing everyday . but i'm glad that there's still CO ongoing . 
idk how i met this bian tai in audi . he's like super uncle omg , haha , he became my audi buddy slash whatsapp buddy . at least i have someone to spent my nights with even those days when i'm in china . surprisingly , he could stand my bhb-ness . haha omfg . it's kind of a blessing to me luh , idk him. super bian tai uncle and pig siah . 

my holidays is like super packed . went china , and hometown, msia. and when i'm back in sg , it's left with two weeks or less. so yeah , two months of holiday flied like this . 
dear twenty-thirteen , be a better year 

it's coming to an end . i know this is a super lengthy post . To those who managed to read till here , THANKYOU ! you've succeeded taking in my craps , this is like super boring uh , i know. curious of what you'll get ? HAHA it's something called nothing ! ^^   


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