
I blog my stories .



Sunday, December 30, 2012

my two-zero-one-two Ü

Basically , this will be a super duper uper extremely long post from me . Do bear with me for minutes , and you'll get something in the end ^^ 

Well, in the year of twenty-twelve , break downs , happy moments , lessons learnt , grown up , blah. too much to be listed. shall start , so , LEGGO !

things went smoothly from the start of the year , friendship isn't a major problem. i'm still able to concentrate in class , hang outs with besties all the memorable moments. January is a month with the most birthday babies . on the seventh , what a day to remember , not going in depth , too much of personal happiness . 
Soon , things started to go in different directions , friendship too , barriers are all set up . bc of that , i hardly pay attention in class , test results dropped a lot , trying my best to catch up with the rest , studied til late midnight , and got only 3-4 hours of sleep . due to this things happening , i hardly eat anything , and that's how i got gastric . 

Soon , MYE's arriving , parents have set their target for me . top 10 in class , top 20 in level . and they'll buy me a new phone. i'm working towards their target , studying super hard , even went to those friends of mine who are older than me's house . results are out . i got 9th in class , 18/19 in level , didn't fail any subject . i was like , damn happy la . went home straight after school , showed my mum , she's said 'good job' but , still got my father la , need see face cb. i showed him at night , he's like 'why all get so low. 9th nia , maybe is ur class all lousy one. EVEN YOU.' knn , say me jiu okay liao la , y class too . then i didn't manage to get a new hp. FU . 

suddenly , friendship isn't the problem anymore , they're back . i promised myself to treat them best , not letting go. blah .

Everything's perfectly fine until my birthday month. September . everyone left . except for some . out of the blue , i feel that i'm like living in a dark society . people leaves whenever they want and comes back . there's no light in front of me , everything's black . i'm afraid that i might took the wrong path and regret . birthday one the twenty-first . it's just like a normal day . got present from Janice , Dilys , mc , claire and wx . received cards from ethelind and raymond. thanks. i thought that those who're still important to me will wish me , so i stayed up throughout the whole day , waiting for miracle to happen . well , nah , feel like breaking down but i couldn't. Not even in the birthday mood . sigh .

EOY's . my parents set target agn. top 6 , okay , i'm like working really hard every single fucking day . even burned midnight oils even i had studied the whole day . Geography , Science, math and english is a major problem. my english is like super cui . science cmi. math teacher expected good results from me , doubly stressed . i like geog , but the teacher who taught don't give a damn . ended. i'm streaming this yr , having a major problem choosing the subject combination too. 

Wanted to take Amaths , but i'm afraid that i might not be able to , geog , afraid that i might fail . but i gave it a try. result's out , got the combination that i want. thank god . mum's proud of me . but dad isn't LOL . i don't care him. 

School holidays, literally rotting at home , audi-ing everyday . but i'm glad that there's still CO ongoing . 
idk how i met this bian tai in audi . he's like super uncle omg , haha , he became my audi buddy slash whatsapp buddy . at least i have someone to spent my nights with even those days when i'm in china . surprisingly , he could stand my bhb-ness . haha omfg . it's kind of a blessing to me luh , idk him. super bian tai uncle and pig siah . 

my holidays is like super packed . went china , and hometown, msia. and when i'm back in sg , it's left with two weeks or less. so yeah , two months of holiday flied like this . 
dear twenty-thirteen , be a better year 

it's coming to an end . i know this is a super lengthy post . To those who managed to read till here , THANKYOU ! you've succeeded taking in my craps , this is like super boring uh , i know. curious of what you'll get ? HAHA it's something called nothing ! ^^   


Saturday, December 29, 2012


it's 29th today , i know. 
four days after christmas. 
maybe not posting on the day will made a difference .
This year , it's like one of the most suckish christmas.
didn't have the day to myself .
parents wanted me to stay at home. 
didn't receive any christmas wishes , 
until i'm the one who wished them first.
feeling so unwanted luh. 
it's like i'm fucking so not important .
until no one cares to wish me
feeling kinda down.
trying my very best to stay positive
giving myself the thought that , 
they're asleep , 
busy or whatever shit.
believing that i'll definitely receive one.
well , nah.
other than that bian tai. 
he whatsapped me in the midnight 
bc i told him to do so in audi.
haha , 
just to make myself a little happy. 
sigh, he's phone is like got spammed by wishes.
making me jealous only . 
but i received a post card from ethelind ,
a friend that i've met in fb
we don't know each other , 
but she knows my deepest . 
idk why , but i rather trusting strangers online than in rl.
bc they dk us . so they won't judge 
they don't leak out secrets. 
all those. 
from the bottom of my heart, i love you ethelind
last christmas , 
just a dream. 
bc i know that, i will never had a perfect day like that
my life don't deserve those perfect day
that i'm blessed with wishes,
having rl friend that really cares
i don't deserve that, really. 
since i'm those person that no one will like
how boring , how lame. 
never someone's first priority.
those gifts that i've received last yr, 
i'll never going to receive any agn
everything's so perfect, 
let it just be a dream.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

my fair princess ♥

Miss Petrina ,

hello , be honored ! this post is like specially dedicated to you ;)
two days after christmas, 
happy birthday princess :B 又老了一岁 XD 
do you rmb how am i your prince ? HAHA omg. bc idk why we talk until charming prince thr , and he'll save you. oh srsly , my memory like improving alr ! okay , crap aside. 

although we're like really not that close in rl , but i'm still glad that i met you ! :D 
due to the limited memories that we had , this post is not going to be long :x 
okay , actually that's all uh. 

have a memorable day ,
stay pretty , cute , awesome ! 

with love
your prince charming 

(it's like damn fail uh. the day ending le then post. omg) 

that's all !


Happy Boxing day !

to be honest , i have no idea why is it called boxing day :x hahaha idgaf. 
a day after christmas.. well , no memories made .
not writing abt 25th in this post , but next :)
went back primary school today, to get my bro's psle cert
bc we're not in sg that time. 
it's nice to be back in pri sch , memories .
headed to yyss to get stuffs for next yr
having the thought that there will be lesser people purchasing stuffs now
but , the queue quite long eh.
waited for like 1hr. probably more.
Really uh.. got my books.
woah , all new syllabus one .
then those that claire gave me. no use eh
Met mingchong after that
to take his cello and longbang put my hse
passed him his christmas letter
be happy okay. HAHA
although it's like damn lame uh.
merry belated christmas
OMG the coloured hearts are damn cute!
haha. okay, 

Friday, December 21, 2012


21/12/12 . if only world ends today , i'll die with no regrets . well , it's all just rumors, 冬至today ,, 
Reminds me of you , grandpa. how are you ? wondering if you're doing fine up there.. i miss you. a lot. time flies , it has been four years since i last saw you. during then , i'm still a primary school kid , doesn't know what's miss. today , everything seems to remind me of you. especially dry noodles with fishballs. remembering that , when i was young , idk how to use chopstick , and you fed me. i'm not allowed to eat lollipop bc of my health. so you taught me to poke a whole in the fishball using one chopstick. and lick it. HAHA :') i'm the first child , your first grandchild , you bought me lots of book , and taught me how to read. that's why chinese, is my best subject . i guess. too much to remember.. 



Monday, December 17, 2012

short post :B

Sup ! i'am back ! miss me ? :B obviously ~ k , (you don't say) hahahaha , idk what to write either bc i don't have all the photos that were took in china with me now, and it's damn early.. 445am in the morning and i'm awake. hao, not nagging le. reached KL , staying over for a night and setting off to hometown in pahang tmr :D
had cousin gathering for dinner in johor just now. HAHAHA. my 表哥 treated me like some princess... get me the food that i want. sitting there , and like waiting for food to be delivered to me . LIKEA BOSS YO. hahaha, my best cousin , dotes me the most. and he's like 'eh 美女, 来拍照' and my face was -_- k. then my 表姐 was like 'walao , 跟他拍没有跟我拍, 你好LORH.' HAHAHHAHA WTF basically , i was treated as the qian jin xiao jie when i am not even one.

updating abt the china trip soon !
love ya,

Friday, December 7, 2012

time flies

Heh, time flies, it's already December. SO FAST ! sigh, half of my holiday had literally gone ._. went back to malaysia yesterday. left house at 6, and was stuck at the custom until 7:45 -_- seriously. i was like, sleeping the the car, likea boss.
heading to KL to pick up my siblings. bc we're going china on sat. k, after the custom, msia highway 塞车 again :O likea sian only. arrived at our destination ard 12. hungry like asdfghj! so went looking for some fast food. end up makan-ing KFC. we're alr like super cold.
KFC time! me and bro's stomach alr growling non stop. LOL! our teeth chattered . super loud can! .__. couldn't help. HAHAHA damn funny! -kekekekkekekeke- like some sewing machine or smth. glad that my gastric didn't act up. phew. heading back sg. arrived at 330am. so fking early! haha, goodmorning.

that's all
with loves

Thursday, November 29, 2012


a two days one night camp! :) had practice from 930-1230 in the morning, then , camp!
had so much fun. chicken rice for lunch! Firstly , ice breakers. as expected , it's still double whacko , musical box and taboo. ! haha , this time round , we created our own taboo. next , water games. the best part .! same grp with mingchong , phoebe, wengxin, melissa, lingfei and junjie. but chloe doesn't want to play after convincing her:/ used to be the most dry one. ended up being fully wet . aim was to protect our own water , and snatch the other team's water. in the mist of protecting my team's water , chu hua pulled my hair to stop me  from protecting , chiayi tickled me damn hard. haha, got a few scratches too! we've saw the sec one's true colours! hahaha, they are violent !

they have one and a half hour to bath and rest , before the next activity. to kill time , we played games. like block catching. running around the school bare footed. and some childhood games. sitting in the parade square like retards, while it's drizzling . the next activity is called act it out. so funny ! i was the one acting LOLOL. so fail.

Pizza for dinner ! so full ! then movie screening ! watched some chinese ghost movie , but it came out to be more of comedy after that , night walk ! grouped with felicia , chiayi , chloe , rosanne , k , i don't rmb the others's names. . it's like treasure hunt . we have to find the place , to get a envelope .then complete a picture we won :D watched kungfu panda 2 since we have time.
ytd night's lightstick! 
mine and mingchong's !
obviously mine nicer! :B


after the movie , it's time for us to sleep. well , we couldn't . it's so early . played uno in ava room, and ... camwhore! hahah









2:30, i slept. woke up at 4. bc mingchong is laughing at the way i sleep! >:( so evil. I went back to sleep. woke up at 8 plus. they said that they've tried to wake me up .. HAHAHA like a pig . 

had fun, 

open house 231112

Opps , this was meant to be posted on last firday , but yea, due to my laziness and whatever reason:x
I woke up like super early , to prepare everything , and i slept for only three hours or lesser T_T while preparing , whatsapp grp suddenly got spammed ! :O

off to meet mingchong . hahahaha, i kept on complaining that i'm tired all the way to school. LMAO. k, i don't feel like writing anymore . pictures below !






CLAIR    E:>



Wednesday, November 28, 2012

memories . 221112

this should posted on last thursday. obviously , i'm either too lazy or time constrain . haha . i've went back to my primary school , xinghua primary . to collect my bro's psle result . my parents expected him to get around 150 that range . since he didn't even study .. but he got 174 . WOW . still , two marks lesser than me :B
shot this while walking in from backgate .
The school field

benches outside the toilet on the ground floor. i used to play there when i am still a primary student

The school hall ! 


Stairs ! used to read out the time table every step :D

outside the hall.

another side,

lift :) so cute can.

:> pretty pretty

girl's toilet ! haha so nice :D the basin is so short !

main enterence

that's all! :) six years in this school. memories stays.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

♡ 211112 ♡

Today, a day that i've laughed so much. Like finally, since i last laughed so hard, and couldn't really control myself. i've found myself back. rubbish aside, here we go. :)
woke up at 7+ this morning, and went market with mum and grandma. sigh, i'm so tired. rushed home, getting ready to meet mingchong at the park. i'm suppose to meet him at 10:45. ended up leaving house at 10:35. since the park isn't far from my house. sigh, some childish human from my block played with the lift, so the lift stopped at every storey :( waste my time ! on my way, i've banged into my neighbors . and they asked the same question. haha. reached the park at 10:55 i guess, Actually, we wanted to play swing for fifteen minutes before meeting starts, hahaha. ohwell, thanks to me. 

We're complaining about the weather all the way to white tangs, ha, black absorbs heat . regretting not tying my hair . since we're taking our own sweet time to walk there, we thought we're going to be late. but, nah, we're the earliest . having the thought of enjoying aircon once we reached there, but the shop isn't opened yet. no choice but to sit outside and wait. Ginette arrived. so we started planning CO camp. soon, claire came. and the shop opened . yay. had lunch there with claire, mingchong, ginette and chuhua. after eating, planning's still not done, and we're occupying seats. so we're asked to go out. claire and i got bored. so we played chess. it's my second time playing. i died horribly. :O jonas came. soon, we had to make our way to AMK. and it started drizzling . we ran to the bus stop that was quite far away. HAHAHAs. 2.4 run ! so exhausting . 

Phew, those who had arrived managed to help us to get our tickets. yay, ah boys to men! a movie that i'm longing to watch. arrived before 3. before entering , claire and i bought popcorn and drinks. so the guys went in first. after buying, we realised that we are not told which theater we're going. HAHA ass eh . after buyng, we went in .. then 'EH, WHERE THEY ALL SITTING AT HUH?' hahaha, epic much. damn ass, srsly. both of us missed  a little of the front part.

The movie was a combination of comedy, serious type, and a little of violent at the start.overall, it's funny :B laughed so hard . noah yap acting not bad ! HAHA. it ended so weird sia ! and there's a part 2 ! dying to watch . whole movie ended. we couldn't finish the popcorn . THE CINEMA VERY COLD . regretted wearing slippers and not bringing jacket ! :( oh, and claire realised that, only two of us were female in the whole row . haha , pathetic . on the way out, i'm complaining that it's very cold. hah, no luh, not very. IT'S MY FIRST TIME GOING FOR A MOVIE IN SUCH A BIG GRP. hahaha. after that, we say yilin. then we went to the first floor, chat chat. then sayonara. after that, i went to buy koi. (Y) and then, toke the same bus with claire. she said that when i 开口, 没有一句是好的. :( that's me :B 
Claire's picture. since i didn't get to keep my own tickets.
credits to claire.

it's was fun, memorable day today. 
twenty one is a nice number :D 
that's all i have for you all ! 
bye :) 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


hi ! :) it's midnight, and i'm here updating :( it's obvious that i'm bored, and couldn't sleep. sigh. ohwells, movie tomorrow ! :) looking forward. with mingchong, claire and idk who. ah boys to men ! whee, here i come. ever since the movie came out, all i see was good comments, heard that it's super funny. oh, i'm so going to laugh so hard during the movie . :D okay, done updating, BYE !
follow me on twitter @w_howei
                on insta @w_howei
cheers ! :D

Sunday, November 18, 2012

a little visit .

hi, i'm back updating. since it's already holiday, i shall update my blog more often.
i've pay serangoon sec a visit yesterday. it's their open house, so i've brought my brother and sister slong too. it's my first time going there, so i'm afraid that i might get lost ! i took bus 62 from the bus stop opp my school. it's a total of eleven stops bus ride. boredom strikes, brother and me started crapping in the bus, and this causes my sister to be left out :x soon, we arrived. like a finally please.
we walked to the gate, there's two students waiting for us. the malay one is in blazer and heels. :o is she a head prefect or something ? they tour us around the first floor . firstly, the ncc station. the badges damn pretty please. next, the band. they played gangnam style. nice eh. walking pass the canteen, i saw constance. she ran and hugged me. omg . hahaha. it has been awhile since i last saw her . then, red cross, band agn, choir, co. i feel like playing cello at the co station sia .omg. then, the mask/art station. the polaroid took was like damn unglam . lastly, we went to the air conditioned glass room. electric guitar and drum set. wow.
basically , the tour was quite short. but, my first open house. HAHA. okay.
cheers .

Thursday, November 15, 2012

friends .

hello :) since i've nothing to post, i've got this idea from mingchong's blog. > . maybe , it's time for me to reflect on my life for the past fourteen years , who are the ones who've really been there when i needed them. okay , craps away. here it is :D
(Not in order or bias rate) 

1) Joy Goh Jia Ying 
transferred from Perry primary in the year 2007. in the same class for two years. we hardly talk in the first year, but i'm glad we did. skinny, but able to take in alot. ! :O one of my bestfriend in primary school. crazy times, crazy things, presents exchanging, drifted in the year of 2009. we're no longer in the same class, and it's hard for us to communicate. but, i'll never forget the time we spent together . love ya 

2) Conaill 
My pri school only ang mor friend ! :O in the same class for two years, i guess. p1 and 2 ! had fun, joy and laughter sitting together in class! :D 

3) Amandice Yiew Wen Hui 
MUMMY ! shared memories through out the whole pri school life, and it's ongoing :D 

4) Cheng Chong An
p1 and 2 classmate . and p4 and 5's tuition mate ! had lots of fun after tuition at the park ! :D 

5) Tiew Jia Hui 
My 好姐妹! :D long time no meet up le. didn't had a chance to see her during teachers' day in xhps. :( meet up soon !

6) Lim MingChong 
Awesome Senior AKA uncle in YYSSCO ! other than dumb, still dumb. tsktsk , never fail to make me laugh XD kidnapped his doraemon for uncountable times ! good to bully (Y) we are more bonded with claire in the cello bass section ! friendship lasts ! :D cheers.

7) Claire Lee 
Another awesome senior who brought me in YYSSCO . i'm not quiet XD the one who pei me when i'm alone(: and make sure i don't feel awkward ! xie xie xie xie :D stay in touch/contact .

8) Isabelle Goh 
we;re from the same sec sch! although when we know each other, it's like abit late, but it doesn't matter ! :D we are very very very very good friend , right szb ? keep on making me paiseh on mrt ! tsktsk. you very cute eh XD 

9) Felicia Chang Ee Ting 
my very awesome junior , cute, pretty, lively, all the positive things la ! thanks for listening too my bullshits, and not complaining abt it ! :D although we don't belonged to the same section in CO, but, we are together ! love ya .x 

10) Phoebe . 
you very cute sexy pretty awesome good girl99 leh ! i owe you hello panda ! 

^ i saw this in mingchong's blog! ^

That's all, 
great day ahead ! :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

EOY results (:

Hello, i know this is kind of late, but, i'll be posting my end of year results here. i didn't work hard enough, so, it's not up to my expectations, and not really that well done.
Chinese - 74
English - 70
Mathematics - 66 (sigh. not that well done)
Science - 71
Geography - 50 .
how pathetic it is.
Chinese - 76
English - 64
Mathematics 71
Science - 62
Geography - 51
History - 70
Literature(E) - 58
DnT - 53
Art - 69
Homec - 67
it's so disappointing . got position 6 in class, 16 in level. aiming top 5 next year, and it's a must must to get in. praying hard that i could take amaths w geog next year. sigh. i'll work doubly hard i swear. no more last minute study .!
alright, cheers! (:

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I'M BACK! sorry for not blogging for such a LONGGGGGGGGGGG period of time. 
a hundreds thousands millions billions zillions sorry! 
life's isn't going well recently, too many shits happened at one go. SIGH. 
alright! i'm satisfied with my buys this two days! HERE WE GOOOO! :D 
isn't it pretty? :D




@Howei's Hkw

Thankyou very much!
with love
Howei xx.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hey there! i'm back. okay, officially backed! (:
Heh. Enjoyed myself during Teachers' day!
Went back to Xinghua Primary! oh well, i admitted that i missed it ALOT. even though, it's just right beside my current secondary school.
Six years spent in there. memories created. how am i going to forget it. Overall, the school doesn't changed much. except for some areas, facilities advanced. heh.i waited outside the school at 1245. for the gate to be opened. well, it's like taking forever :x waited for about 15mins, and TADA. opened. feeling so damn excited. HAHA. walked in, quite a number of teachers stared at me. i think i've changed, quite alot huh. I used to wear specs that time, i've cut my fringe and hair too. i think i've turned prettier! XD okay, nonsense. walking towards canteen, PROOF! Mr lim yibin like face to face walking to me! :x scare me out. he's still as tall. TALLER THAN ME BY ALOT! :x surprisingly, he said 'howei, can you please kill your brother.' heh, it's my honor to do that uh. then weikei came! o.o then she like suddenly hug me. omg. she like force me to be hugged! lolol :x then constance, cheefang, weiwang. yea. wanted to look for Mdm lin mei ling. but she's at backgate having lunch! LOLOL. had a long
conversation with her at fitness corner there:/ i missed her so much! :*



9YEARS OLD'S ME! my specs x.x




My birthday coming soon! i'm turning 14. on 21sr Sept!
Hope you've enjoyed. have a great september holiday ahead students!
BYE! xx. love

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stephanie Hwang Mi Young! :D

It's your birthday tomorrow unnie! :D
Happy 24th birthday!<3
Stay pretty, cute, kind, chio, everything!
Jessica and Taeyeon loves you! :B
i love you too^^
Stephanie Hwang Mi Young
1st August.

What If.

It had been a month, since i last blogged.
maybe, i've think too much these days,
or not.
What If, my what if(s) came true?
What if, i jumped down from a building?
What if, i killed myself?
What if, i am drowned?
What if, i died in my sleep?
What if, my fever hit 45 degrees?
What if, i am not be able to wake up tomorrow?

will it be better if i die?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

hello, it had been 2 weeks since i last posted:x
i'm still in Malaysia. yah

there's quite a few kpop groups had comeback
F(x) , wondergirls, infinite, blah~

i'm waiting for 2NE1's !
oh well,

i've went back to f(x) and wondergirls!

hahas! they're way too cool.
victoria! amber! Sulli! luna! krystal :)
Sunye! yeeun! sohee! yubin! hyerimm!

my holidays were kinda torturing x.x
waking up before 6:X

know what,
surprisingly, i'm dancing to WG's like this!
haha! very fun lehyy.
kaykay :D
maybe shall dance more often, and make it my hobby! :D
follow me on twitter and instagram can?
heehee! byeee! :DD