
I blog my stories .



Tuesday, May 31, 2011


记得当初... 我们说好的承诺..

你却. 吃了你的承诺.
我再也不相信 "Bestfriend"了.

另一位她. 是我的好朋友.
我们的功课.. 很好.
但. 怎么.
大考时... 分数...


那么好. 我不怎么管.
我也不羡慕. 或嫉妒.
因. 她是她. 我是我.

不说. 反正.
她的里面. 是没人能理解的
但... 都...

上了中1 ..
不错. 但总是有不开心的.
现在. 找到了一位好朋友^^.
希望.. 这能永远保留~

3> 日落 <3

Monday, May 30, 2011


Monday <3
Woke up at 7.30. For breakfast.
Dad headed to KL.

12.30. Get changed.
12.40. Headed to school.
Arrived at.. 1.
Just Nice =D

Thought that teacher was not coming.
In the end, he came .. Omg.
Took Cello.
Practiced in the AVA room.
Damn cold.
Practice Lyre.
Omy. wrist damn Pain.
It's pain till now.
Worth it (:
It ended early. 3.30?
went Kovan. Popular for pen.
Nxt, went Cupwalker =)
Saw Clairerin.

Damn her! Chatted with me.
Made my laughed like moron.
臭Clairerin! Talked about the milktea .
Made me ordered wrong!
Instead of Aloevera Milk tea, I ordered Pearl milk tea. -.-"
Sis called Clairerin, wanted me to buy Small fries for her.
Okay, I went. So suay! stand wrong counter!
Paiseh paiseh.

Homed. She didn't even thanked me for buying for her!
So. no manners!
Wadever, theres Co on Fri.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Sunday, Another boring day.
Bros n sis were oversea.
Left my youngest sis... Haizz.
Tomorrow. 30th May,
Is Snsd 'Im YoonA' s Birthday =)
Happy Birthday YoonA! <3

Kay, Today was....
ZZZzzz. Boring.
Nth to say.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Feeling quite weird uhh.
Today was 28th, Saturday.
Sis and bros leaving for Vietnam ="(
Accompanied them to Airport.
Waited for Sally, and her 2 child.
they arrived at terminal 3 about.. 11.30.

Went Courts next =D
Damn happy.
Bought a new com for me.
Hahas. Sony Vaio's
Pink colour somemore =="
Pink panther?
Lol. XD
Happy lar.
Thanks Dad. n Mum too!
Lalala. A bit too high ><"
Miss bros n sis too!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Today was PTC day.
Happy that I didn't need to attend.
Went blk 115's PAP.
For little Bro's parents' meeting.
Chair damn small. + short. XD.
almost fell O.O Lol.

Quite boring today.
Listened to songs.
Most to SNSD's .
Show's, 光良... More.

My 2 dearest bro. n my hot tempered sis...
is Going off to Vietnam tomorrow. =(
Dad is going to KL nxt Mon.
Left me, mum n my youngest sis. damn sad.
Going to Bbq @ dad's friend hse later.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Today is the last day of school. before Jun Holidays starts =D
Hahas. no PTC for me tomorrow.
I was the 6th position in class! Woots!
Same marks as Joey =) Congrats.
Oh Ya~ . Today I also had my Prefect interview.
Damn Suay + Nervous.
Wei wei was the firs one.
Jun Heng was the second one.
They Damn Lucky. Only interviewed by Ms Ng.
Me, Si Min. was interviwed by 3. Omy!
Nervous, Nervous.
I remembered that, Ms Ng asked me that
: Do u dare to scold others?
I was like. Err. XD
Skip Skip Skip! dun talk that one ald.
Hope pass =D

We had our Bbq too!
hahas. only managed to eat Bee Hoon. XD
Lol. Okay lar. cus, leaving early.
I <3 It =D.
Today.... Unforgetable! <3 <3 <3

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Haizz. Such a bad day =(
Actually, I'm going out with Joey today.
Wth? Dad suddenly saif that he's going bring me go do IC.
Huh? wtf? then okay lor.
Walao. I so Pek Cek wif the guard. say wad my pants too short?
Then... now wad? adult bully child arH?
When my dad came.. he 乖乖 let me go in.

Reached home.
Comp lag.
restarted. spoiled?
PEK CEK><" freak lar.

I was like.. thinking..
Why, can't I just go school today?
Can't everything just resumed per normal today?
nth would happen rite?
sian! comp spoiled.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hi =)
Today.. was, okay.
At least I prefer today more uh =P
Oya~ this morning, they had an announcement ..
On, they wanted mare PREFECTS from the normal stream..
I was like.... hope they would have some volunteers.
And do not need teacher to choose..
Kay, had 3 periods of art before recess..
On.. using dye to paint . =D
hand Kena a lot!
Then went to bookshop for tissue.
The bookshop auntie very nice.
give us some.. weird weird solution to wipe.
It's working! hahas. Thanks =)
Then, after recess. we continued art..
to 12.15..
target 30 pieces =)
so gan chiong.
I gave 2 pieces to Kim Long. as I found out that i did 32.
Then.... I found more of mine from behind.
Like... Wth??? =D
Then, bonding session? <3
I'm lucky that I do not need to attend the...
meet parents' session. hahas. get in top 10 =)
Then... Mr Singh. suddenly chose Joey to b prefect.
Shiok Qing was infront of me. then, Joey kept objecting ..
'die die also dun wan be prefect'. huh? liddat also can .
Then Mr Singh DIE DIE also force me join. Wtf?
Sien lor. I told mum that i'm chose to b prefect..
n I said i dunwan... but she forced me to be one.
WALAO??? Freak off???
Aiya~wadever lar. be then be lar! ._.
我是个很孝顺的孩子 XD.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Hi. Backed. (:
Didn't post for yesterday.
So, okay, today was alright.
First, we had our inter-class competition.
We've definitely lose for the Basketball.
But volleyball... got hope =D.
I didn't join for the basketball de.
Cus. Paiseh mah ><"
Then I joined the Volletball de =D
Okay okay lar. Served ball 4 times.
1time foul. ~.~"
Then, after recess ....
Sat in hall for a period. Walao??
Leg cramp . For the. WWWe thing
We're What We Eat.
It's homec thing .
Then we have the parents' volunteer to demo ..
for salad making.. it was like.. EEYER~
I was thinking. who will want to eat that?
got Curry powder , red/green chili , onion.
Wth? so yucky .. *Vomits*
then we have a 【live telecast】.. on the S1 ..
Salad making.
Hahahas. Our save the most equipment =D
watermelon is used as bowl . still nvr win ~.~"
At least got join.

Co. starts at 1.30. end ar 4.30.
Learned counting beats.
How to hold the 【弓】properly.
Okay okay lar. still can tackle.

Ending =)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

光良 - 天堂

I love this song a lot.
I'm digging out older songs nowadays.
Not sure why too.
Maybe's that I'm just too free after exams.

It's a good thing to me. =)
Okay. I love this.
【何必 寻找所谓的天堂】.
I like this part a lot. <3

This song is really relaxing.
I like almost all the songs by him =D
This is one of my favourite songs too.

ending here. Enjoy .


Err. Since it's a Saturday.
yup. so what to write??
Gosh. So, I'm just slacking.
And wasting time at home.
Wth? Fine.
So, okay.
Bro n sis are going Vietnam in 7days time.
Happy? cus of silence?
Sad? cus of loneliness?
Sua. really don't know what to write.
Just ending here.

Friday, May 20, 2011


It's friday again =)
A week seems to past so fast.
Hahas. Of course luh. 2days of break mahs.
Erm. Kay.
Had money wise programme today.
In class. Better than having it outside luh.
A group:
- Zheng Cong
- Li Zhen
- Shannon
- Charlton
- Belvin
- Me =D

teehee. Fun luh. cus got the 2 famous 'up short' guy in my grp .
My Nephews luh =D
Erm. from 8+ to 9.45.

Then went to canteen for... Food? Ofc.
Then chiong to bus at 10. Sharp .
Haizz. Joey absent worr. den partner Zheng Cong lor.
=D In bus. sited right back.
Actually not really back luh.
The seat 2nd back seat.
Kena scold by Chee Shan. WTF?
Then more jialat is. Felicia sit beside us =="
Want sleep also cannot.
Talk Damn Loud ==" Wth?
Then reach " Ulu Pandan Community Centre "..
At about 10.35 or something?
It tooks about 20-30mins for us to go in =="
WTH? hahas.
The play 【James and the Giant Peach】.
Erm.. about to read that book le.
Quite Okay de lah.
But.. sometime very boring. Sien.
I was about to fall asleep. then got boys. wants go toilet.
WTF?? Irritating sia.

Then I took my opportunity to sleep bus.
About 30 mins leh . Rocks.
Reach sch at 12.50++.
Then rush to meet teacher at MT room.
Proceed to 2N2 for Compo writing competition.
It took me about 50mins to complete.
Chose topic : 我感谢的____
XD wrote 1 page half ++.
Anyhow de.
Went for the SUDDEN CO.
Wah. learn about notes. beats. blah blah blah.
Weird Sia. dunno wad to say.
Sien. need memorise notes... Haizz.

Ending here =D

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Script checking today ._.
Don't like the result.
Just list out.
English - 58/100 (So badly DONE)
-14/30 letter writing
-15/30 Compo .
-54/80 Paper 2
Math - 61/100 (I don't like. )
-36/50 Paper 1
-25/50 Paper 2
Science - 70.5/100 (Yay !)
Geography - 52/100 (WHAT??)
Home Economics - 41/80 (Haiz. Course work. help me)
Chinese - 116.5/140 (paiseh . dunno total yet. this just added own self )
-12/20 Letter writing
-30/40 Compo
-54.5/60 Paper 2 =)
-20/20 Listening

Thats my Score =)
All PASSESD. but border line ._.
Today got news from MT teacher.
Theres a Compo competition tomorrow.
Sien. Why me? 12.45...
To: SiMin, Janice, Shao Hao and Shao Ming as well =)
Teehee. Jiayou jiayou

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

18-5-11 (1)

It's 18th May, Wednesday today.
Happy Birthday Claire! n JiaMin (:
Hope your will enjoy your day.

Hmm. Really hope that. Today will be forever.
Tomorrow will not let me cry.
Not really results lar.
Is just. Exam script checking.
Still will know the marks riteee?
Put in my best. Tried.
Only thing, is to. Know my results.
1 more post later.
On chinese maybe

Monday, May 16, 2011

16-5-11 笑

那个笑.. 可能都是伤人的.
苦笑. 假笑. 冷笑. 等
但. 完全都不是真正的笑.
以前.... 的日子..
经常遇到问题... 不开心的事..
嗯. 微笑是逼不出的.
A smile can't be forced out


God Bless Me.
Every subject please pass.
Erm. Hope 3 sub can have 70+
Hope I need not all subject tuition.
I don't want lock com also T.T
Haizz~ just GBM.

( I don't want to say SAYONARA to my computer)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I will post 2 posts for today =)
This will be in English.
Next will be in Chinese.
It's Mother Tongue paper 2 tomorrow.
Hmm... Best Sunday ever. Dk why =D
Just feel Happy.
1000th Tweets too!
heehee. Thanks to the Emo tweets :)

Promised someone to try my best not to scold vulgars.
But my bro just scold lots this morning =="

But.. I will keep my words :)
Tmr is the last MYE paper.
Going Settle everything after tomorrow =)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Latest update

Hmm.. Last post on my anger..
This will resume.
Last 1 to go ^^
Mother Tongue Paper 2.
Hope can get A =)
Teehee. A bit greedy.
Fine. Still hope Chinese's overall..
Can get A lar~
Ermm. Also hope I can be the 25% ..
10/40 of the class .
Thats no need to come for the Parents' meeting.
HOPE can don't need go.
Whats my strong subject?
Chinese, Maths?
Blek~ Can't bahs.
GBM =)

What the Fk

Knnb! simi Lj?
Pull me in?
1 more person to accompany u?
Pls lah~
It's your business.
So, to accompany u,
Is the other one! not me.
Damn it lor~
Like wtf?
Complain to ur head pengawas ..
That means your bro rite?
【自己人】!! ofc listen to u de!
Sua lor~ liddat lor~
I fine de.
I didn't do ..
wad for I scared?
everyday call lar.
I still treat u as good friend.
truth said that.
u're not a good friend.

Finally =)

Long awaited blog post..
Decided to up 2 post yesterday..
But, Under some things??
Fine~ Over already..
Posts updated today ^.^

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

11-5-11 Post 2

I'm strange.
My feelings were strange .
No one could understand me.
My feelings are a sudden.
When I'm Hyper. people will think that I've gone crazy.
When I'm Emo. people will think that I'm strange, acting.
But, this is me.
I know it is strange.
I agree.
Because of one thing,
I can Stay in low mood for long or even the whole day.
When I'm hyper, I will really gone mad.
For today, It goes out with a normal feeling,
Happy, not really hyper today.
But feeling low in the afternoon.
I'm speechless, no appetite, No mood for everything.
Now, I'm still in a low mood.
Can't be controlled...
Sometimes, seeing others doing something that I couldn't..
I will admire them..
Although It's a small thing.. It applies ...

Understanding me is difficult.
Understanding my mood is not easy.
Understanding my person is also same.
Want me to understand you.
It's EASY...

11-5-11 Post 1

This post, Is for a malaysia girl, who was being bullied in school.

After watching it, read these words,

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Science paper

Today, Science paper 1+2..
As yesterday I study wrong sub...
But, okay lah, the paper is doable =)
But.. only the 'Density' part..
I forget is low float high sink' or 'high float low sink'
._. Sua~ here definitely lose marks ...
Then, the paper ends at 9.45..

After that, Went Nex with Joey n Shiok Qing...
they so bad..
Say I will break in Sogurt .. I not that bad right..
Still say when I ki-siao.. must have warning alert de!!!
went sky-garden for half hr.. Chit-chat =D
then wasting time walking around..
went Mac for Breakfast+Lunch ^^
12pm liao.. ((I think))
Shiok Qing go home..
Then me and Joey went walking round again..
went Comics connection.. , kiddy palace??
n dunno wad shop..
that have doraemon, elmo, Domo's key chain..
Actually I want buy the Doraemon n Mushroom...
Too Expensive ><"
then never buy~ haizz~
must Save ^^

Kay~~ ending here, Geog tmr!! not going to study wrong sub again!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

信任 Trust

Chapter. 115 =)
Trust, is one of the way to see how deep is you and another person's friendship.
If you trust that person a lot. It's also means that.. your are on the way becoming true friends.
If you want people to trust you. you yourself must be trustworthy... But, want being like that, it's not that easy...

信任. 你懂..
明知道自己不能被信任.. 还要去管别人的私事..
那些人信任你.. 就让你知道..
但.. 你已经说出:放心, 我不会跟别人说的..

这样的事.. 谁没遇过???
我也不例外.... 还遇多了~
厌倦.. 讨厌..

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chapter 114

Chapter. 114 :)
second part about Friend..
Friend is just another person that accompany you, spend time with you, Laugh with you.. But, there's a difference between True friend n friend.

Friends are easy to find, but true friends that believe you, trust u, are difficult to find. The 2 pictures below.. FRIENDS! <3.. True friends are really hard to find.. Really admire those who had one!

My Best friend MV HD [ENG SUB] - SNSD

I love this song a lot =) It's meaningful.


When PAP was formed they promised
(Peace And Prosperity)
Slowly it turned to
(Papa Anak Politics)
Where they made us
...(Pay And Pay)
Which became
(Pain And Pain)
Their system now
(Poor Also Pay)
Sooner or later
(Penniless Also Pay)
If this goes on we can't even
(Pass Away Peacefully)

This is what a lot of people agreed.
But, they didn't think how others will feel...
They should not wrote this.
They should


This just a random post before I going sleep :)
Thanks for everything that happened 07-5.
Clairerin! ILY..
hahas, just a drawing+ words that I've done.
Goodnight =)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

MY day :)

Today ^^ Quite okay luh:) Only in the morning.. irritated by the polling thing. Whatever. who wins, who lose. still none of my problem. but, my bro stands for PAP more 0.0 . I'm okay with both sides... Let's carry on. 12:30pm+, Clairerin, my darling Malaysia friend came my house! for computer of course. n Studying too! we're good students! =D In my room. with air-con on.. For few hours! Loves her so Much . Clairerin Yi Si Mei... ^3^ <3
Next! talk about Twitter :) This my 650th tweeets! Changed background.. colors.. Profile picture.. due to empty-ness? hahas~ slept for 1hr++ too... blah~ whatever. SNSD!! <3 it!
Lastly! SNSD :) My favorite K band !! Listen to their songs.. Loved it! they Rocks! especially Sunny, YoonA ^^ <3<3<3<3<3 SARANGHAEYO

7-5-11 (Postponed post)

It will be straight forward. (=
Yesterday was English paper 2.
Tangled me O.O
The passage 2..
I stared at it for a long time. Till I almost fell asleep
So. Okay, I managed to finish it.
Before I slept.
But unfortunately ..
I was like.. just slept for a min.
Mr Singh Just knocked at..
Shiok Qing (sitting infront of me)'s
Then, I woke up..
Shoulders still aching.
He said: Must check till at least 9.15..
Okay! I checked n checked.
9.15.. Heads on the table..
Not long. He said again:
Those who's head were on the table, better give me good marks.
FINE! I woke up again... Shoulders are still PAIN..
Finally, the paper ends at 9.40..
But still have to do book review.
I did it anyhow, but still got effort ..
Hope can pass n pull my CA marks up =)
Thats all ....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday- 6.5.11

It's Friday.. today (=
my favorite day of a week..
So, not going to talk about how's exam today (=
Postpone it to tomorrow..
Hmm.. So.. Let's talk about ....
K-pop and HK drama? Yesh!!!
Hahahas~ getting excited uh!
So.. K-pop first!!!
Recently.. I still like SNSD's songs a lot..
Digging out what I've miss out..
Cos, I just started liking this year..
Yeap, digging out older songs (=
e.g: My best friend..
Thats really nice.. I love that song so much..
'Into the new world'.. was also not bad !!!
hahas~ Now, getting on to Kara's song..
Hope it won't disappointed me!
Okay, My mum was FULLY pissed of by the Kpop..
My bro too!
teehee! I still like Bo Peep Bo Peep a lot..
ehem! but not the mv for 19+++ uhhh! XDDD
Yay! next topic!!! HK drama!
I was still watching 'Yes Sir Sorry Sir'..
It really Rocks!!! Your should try it!
hmm.. Not going deep..
Yesterday, after science x'tra lesson.. I watched from ep.7 to 12..
I was like OMG!!!
Today, carry on too.. the next 2 episode..
waiting for the next episode to show..
Aiyaya~ ending here (=

Thursday, May 5, 2011


It's 5-5 today :) fifth of May!!
Cindy's birthday ^.^ Happy birthday Cindy.
Today was Our's Math paper 1..
1hr duhh~ 8am-9am..
Quite Okay..
Can pass :)
Only the last question tangled me.
I stared at the question and that question stared me..
and Mr singh (our invigilator) Like staring at me..
blah blah blah~
he damn extra..
then, after paper.. that Extra thingy took our 5mins+ away..
Hey! we have Science remedial one.. okay?
Said about don't know what Book review...
Tmr must bring English file n Vocab book..
To let PRINCIPAL check???
Still need stay back for 15mins tomorrow...
What the?

English paper tomorrow..
going (good game)
I was like ... didn't even read a book nor a word..
From any english book..
Kay, still Good Luck for tomorrow =)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4th May =)

Opps~ few months just past like that!
We had done with our EL n MT's paper 1..
Erm.. kay, Maths paper 1 tomorrow..
I was like reached home 'bout 3:15 due to that damn stupid rain..
I set off to study + doing science hw..
about 2-3 hours.. shocking rite? XD
Thats not like me right? hahas..
Actually, I promised myself not to watch HK drama de ><"
But.. It's too attractive!! Omy~
I just watched 1 episode..
N my mum was thinking..
wth? tmr exam.. now enjoying?
hahaha~ yeap.. thats me (=
I'm really relaxed nowww !!
Almost like forgot everything? Can't be !
SO, I'm listening to my dear songs again !!!
and ...
HK drama really Rocks !!!
Aww~~ The newest :) YES SIR NO SIR!! <3<3<3
I'm really gone mad for it!!
hahaha~ I really need read the notes again b4 I sleep><"
If not, Mr Johnny will like nagging all the way O.o
U can do better! u didn't study right?! think u're pro right?!!
Blah blah blah ~~ Some stupid extra nagging .. haizz~
Really need do SIBEH well for it ^^

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


比如说:小5露营.. 是件很值得让人保留的是..
曾经闹过事.. 就免了..
都说了.. 是要开心的嘛~
所以.. 有时,
但,只会让我们开心 =)
而.. 放开伤心的事情/过程..
时间是宝贵的 =D

3rd May :)

Sup! today was alright..
Yeap, FUN!!
JOEY~~ lalalala~~ lalalala.. Joey's world
So ya~ went Hougang mall..
Bought sweet talk.
Went for lunch..
YESH~ study :)
did 1 of our science hw!
guai kia rite?
This post really short.
Cuz lazy type.. blah blah blah~
Talked lots of stuff!
Have fun luhh~
^^ also got study de okay?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Boring Day...

Arrg~ Isn't it going to be a wonderful day today?
Omy~ thats what I wished yesterday..
But but..
It's just as boring as the usual SUNDAYS..
blah blah blah~
Actually.. thought of going park today...
But.. No one accompany.
So didn't go.. Lol

Lalalala~ I'm quite random posting these post....
cuz it's too boring...

Sunday, May 1, 2011



A day.. That's as peaceful as usual.
Back to the past.
No quarrel, no Frustrations..
It's today :)
I didn't think of u anymore.
Now, we're totally STRANGER.

The one that I hated..
didn't came to make me..
U didn't call me call me (:

So... yesh
I <3 YOU
144 more days to my birthday :)